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The LSM is an annual training programme to ensure that young people from all over Africa are equipped with an unquenchable passion for missions and revival towards the pursuit of the expansion of God’s kingdom in their communities and to the ends of the earth.
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  1. Core Mission Courses: Introduction to World Missions & Missiology; State of the Unreached/The Unfinished Task; Theology of Missions; History of Missions; The Power of the Holy Spirit in Missions; Prayer & Spiritual Warfare in World Missions; Rural & Urban Missions; Biblical Evangelism & Discipleship; Missions Mobilization; Pioneer Missionaries; Trends and Issues in Global Missions.
  2. Cross-Cultural Training: Cultural Anthropology; Cross-Cultural Communication; Contexualization; Cross-Cultural Servanthood; Language and Culture Learning; Ethnographic Research Methods; Field Entry Skills.
  3. Mission Strategies: Disciple-Making Movement (DMM) Principles; Orality/Chronological Bible Storying; Church Planting; Community Transformation; Media in Missions/Internet Evangelism; Christian Apologetics; Marketplace Ministry; Historical & Contemporary Mission Strategies etc.
  4. World Religions /Reaching people of other Faiths: Islam; African Traditional Religion; Hinduism; Buddhism; Secularism; Other World Religions; Christian Cults.
  5. Biblical & Theological Studies: Christian Beliefs/Basic Bible Doctrines; Principles of Biblical Interpretation; Old Testament Survey; New Testament Survey; Homiletics; Eschatology; Ecclesiology etc.
  6. Spiritual Formation & Leadership: Spiritual Formation of Missionaries; The Life and Ministry of Jesus; Leadership; Purpose and Spiritual Gifts Discovery; Soft Skills; Principles of Accountability; Leading multi-cultural mission teams; Marriage & Family Life of the Missionary; Interpersonal Skills of Missionaries; Personal Development.
  7. Practical Skills Development: Community Health & Evangelism (CHE) /Where There is no Doctor; Children Ministry; Youth Ministry; Sports Missions; Agricultural Missions/Farming God’s Way; Literacy Missions; Support Raising Principles; Financial Management & Ministry Administration; Biblical Counselling; Missions Mentoring; Security Alertness; Self Defense; Crisis Management; Survival Skills.
  8. Vocational Skills development training (in fields of student’s choice): Eg: IT; Graphic Design; Vaccination of animals; Animal husbandry; Specific crop farming; Welding; Brick-laying; Plumbing etc.


  • In 2019, there were 34 students in total from Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Namibia, Liberia, Benin, Zambia, Zimbabwe/Eswatini, Cameroon, and Burkina Faso.
  • During the field outreaches, we also distributed 300 water filters to needy families.

Noreen's Crazy Faith

“For me, the ministry makes more sense than an eight-to-five job,” explains Noreen. “My ambition is to serve Him.”

Noreen was born and raised in Kenya, and after completing high school, she started a technical course for journalism and public relations for three years. Eight years later, she began to use her passion for media in ministry.


Noreen remarks that she has been able to use her passion in three different churches in Nairobi, Kenya, to help clean their social media platforms and aid in communications.

“I love the fact that every place where I’ve worked and left, at least I’ve left it with something running,” she says.

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