It is always a great joy to see Komba men come to faith in Christ Jesus as it is more difficult for them to do so than their women and children because amongst other things, they are the custodians of the family idols.
One man surrendered his life to Christ when Joshua Gumah and some of his disciples (from his new DBS Groups) shared the gospel at Etelli village. He then surrendered his idol which Joshua burnt the following day.
Another elderly man also for instance surrendered to Christ when the Team went to his village close to Tinaboni to share the gospel and he afterwards brought two bags full of idols to the Team to be discarded of. Surrendering idols is a huge sign that the person has fully committed himself to be an obedient Disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ and is pledging full allegiance to his new Lord and Master.
Joshua burning the new disciple’s idols
OneWay Africa Missionary Joshua in his own words observes that the Mampruli BiblePlus is “now a hot cake” during this Pandemic season with him being inundated with several requests from numerous people for the solar-powered audio bible. Over the years it has been the Komba BiblePlus units that have been the “hot cake” with thousands of units distributed resulting in hundreds of conversions to Christ amongst many other forms of testimonies including people being healed and people burning their idols after being convicted by the Lord through the messages they heard on the BiblePlus. We have now distributed all the Mampruli units that we had with us and pray for more units as soon as it is possible.