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Gifts for a Closed Village

Updated: Dec 1, 2020

The chief and elders in one of the unevangelized Komba villages in the East Mamprusi district have a long history of rejecting any attempts for the gospel to be preached in their village. They also refused to allow the Jesus Film to be shown there and made it clear they didn’t want a church to be planted in their remote village.

When we heard about this village, we decided to include it on the list of villages to receive water filtration units. 

As we went, we didn’t know if they would accept the word of God or the gift from Christ: the water filters. So, we prayed and trusted they would accept the gifts and that the filters would serve as a bridge between us. 

After a long drive, we met the chief and his people. We presented the chief with a water filter and a BiblePlus+ unit, which he gladly accepted. Previously, they did not know anything about Christmas, but that day they heard the Christmas message for the first time and received the gifts presented to them as a token of the love of Christ. To their joy and gratitude, each household also received their own water filter.

The Chief indicated that they had no source of clean water, and their biggest need was that of a borehole. 

We had good news. A church had just contacted us asking if we knew of a village that urgently needed a borehole. We recommended this village and pray that the second gift from the hands and feet of Christ will come to fruition. Furthermore, we hope it will lead to open doors through which we can proclaim the gospel and plant a church in this unevangelized village.

There are still numerous villages in Northern Ghana without portable, clean water. This can be overwhelming when we consider the need. The sobering truth is that no one can live without water.

We rejoice that through the Clean Water Project, we distributed seventy-five water filters in December alone to a few of these villages in desperate need. We praise the Lord that clean water opens a door for them to hear and know the Living Water: Jesus Christ!

We make a practice of gifting a BiblePlus+ unit with the water filters. Pictured are members of the OneWay Africa team presenting those gifts to one of the chiefs of the Komba villages.

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