What We Do
To activate God’s people in Africa
and beyond to exalt Jesus Christ and advance His Gospel to the Multitudes.
“To open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith...
“ Acts 26:18
Our Courses
Brokenness & Personal Transformation
Total Surrender
Christian Mission Foundations
The Unnished Task
Theology of Missions & History of Missions
Issues and Trends in Global Missions
Rural & Urban Missions
Sports Ministry
Market-Place Ministry
Pioneer Missionaries
Cross-Cultural Communication
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Introduction to Christian Apologetics
Fund Raising
Discovering Your Purpose/ Spiritual Gifts/Personality Type

At our 2019 session, the students had the opportunity to put into practice what they had learned during the training in Accra.
The mission field outreaches included ministry at 11 schools and Jesus Film Campaigns at 9 villages. A total of 4,836 people were reached with the Gospel: 3,389 at the school outreaches and 1,258 through the Jesus Film Campaigns. Other people were also reached through house-to-house evangelism at Zamashegu.
In 2019, there were 34 students in total from Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Namibia, Liberia, Benin, Zambia, Zimbabwe/Eswatini, Cameroon, and Burkina Faso.
During the field outreaches, we also distributed 300 water filters to needy families.